Empowering Women

Empowering Women

Nearly 85% of the women we spoke to in the communities we work with said that their children’s well-being was their highest priority.

Being Angel Foundation believes that education begins at home. In less-privileged communities, the mother or the girl child is typically the main caregiver in the family, yet also the most affected. This means that empowering women empowers the communities they live in. Our programs aim to enable economic independence and increase capacity, so what we teach them is holistic and practical.

For instance, we’ve created a program to meet the increasing demand for women drivers in Bangalore. We train less privileged women to be drivers to a professional level where they can expect good pay and job benefits, which ensures that they’re economically independent.

  • All our programs incorporate spoken English training, life skills, IT skills and vocational courses. We also conduct awareness programs for women’s issues, child care, general knowledge, and offer counseling services. A strong, independent mother serves as a role model for her family, and encourages her children to have healthy attitudes towards gender issues. We’d love for you to work with us!
  • You can get involved, donate or simply spread awareness to empower Indian women!

Giving Hope to Youth

356 million Indians are under the age of 25. That’s 30% of the country’s population, many of whom live at or below the poverty line!

Indian youth hold the future of the country in their hands. With empowerment and education, they can realize their potential and bring India into a golden age of prosperity, and change the world with it. To do that, they need what many don’t have now– exposure, awareness, opportunities and the capacity to reach for their dreams.

Being Angel Foundation’s works hard everyday to bring that to them. We assist with graduation for dropouts, facilitate scholarships and vocational training, sports training by special coach and offer counseling. We also teach spoken English, life skills and IT skills in all our youth programs– these are real-world skills that increase self-confidence and employability.

The skill gap in India is expected to expand greatly by 2022, all involving careers that are fulfilling, wellpaid and may even be a stepping stone to entrepreneurship for youth. There are currently at least 7 million such jobs in need of skilled individuals. This is why our goal for this year is to design more accredited, high-quality programs that will train youth for these careers. We’d love if you could play a part in making this happen! Join us, contribute, volunteer, or simply spread awareness to become a part of the Being Angel Foundation’s movement!

Become a Volunteer

01. We won’t rest until we see every less privileged woman, youth and child in India have a chance at education and prosperity

02. You can join our mission.You can change lives with your own hands, at the individual level.

03. Being Angel Foundation would not be where we are now without the incalculable support that we’ve received from thousands of volunteers over the years, who come from all over the world to help us with our social movement. They contribute their time and skills to the unforgettable experience of teaching and igniting young minds. The contribution of our volunteers is greatly appreciated and tailored around their skills and availability.

04. The best way to contribute your time and experience is to become a Being Angel Foundation MITR—a mentor to one of our students.

05. You can also volunteer, even if it’s just for an hour, whether from home or on the field.If you’re interested in volunteering with us, please fill out the form below and send it to us by email with your details.

Join with Us