Health Care


Bah Agra Uttar Pradesh

Executive Summary

Being Angel Foundation Trust 100-bed Multispecialty Hospital Project is a philanthropic initiative of Being Angel Foundation Trust that aspires to help the underprivileged section of the Trust to avail quality health services at affordable cost. “Expenditure on health is also substantive for rural households in the district. A fairly high 14 per cent of the total household expenditure is incurred on the treatment of household members. This expenditure is comparatively much higher among rural households. The burden of expenditure on health can partly be eased for the households, by making better provision of basic health facilities, and thus, reduce dependence of households on private services”. This intervention will also be an attempt to satisfy the concern over spending on health care in villages of Tehshil Bah Dist. Agra Uttar Pradesh

  • The hospital seeks to provide basic health facilities such as, General Medicine, Dental, Eye, Physiotherapy & Orthopedics, Common Laboratory Tests, Pain Management, support services and all Type of Treatment. The hospital is projected to serve roughly about 10000 out-patients and 2500 in-patients annually. The hospital is aimed at serving the need of the community and will be run on a not-for-profit basis.
  • Being Angel Foudation Trust existing network of Doctors and Other institute will ensure that the physicians and specialist required to support this engagement will be available. They include full time salaried doctors, consultants on retainer ship basis and visiting consultants.
  • The project involves construction of a 100 bed Multispecialty
  • Hospital in Tehshil Bah district Agra Uttar Pradesh which would also cover all nearby villages of this block where there are no primary health care centers. The hospital will offer affordable and quality services for patients. The commencement of hospital in Tehshil Bah District Agra Uttar Pradesh would enable easy access to patients in the area and nearby villages.
  • The hospital is estimated to have a built up area of about 12,000 square feet on 1 acres of land, at an estimated total project cost of INR 250 Crores that is to be funded by volunteers, supporters, grants and donations. The hospital will cater to the needs of the patients with 3 Out-Patient Consultation Rooms, 1 Operation Theatre, 1 Laboratory, 1 Radiology, 1 Chemists Shop, 100 In-Patient Beds and all type of hospital facilities etc
  • This general hospital project is expected to be completed and ready for operations within two years from the commencement of the project. There is a need for a modern hospital providing affordable treatment to bridge the demand gap that is currently not addressed by the existing government, private and social sector hospital.

An overview of Basic healthcare facility in Rural India

Rural Health care is one of biggest challenges facing the Health Ministry of India. With more than 70 percent population living in rural areas and low level of health facilities, mortality rates due to diseases are on a high. A majority of 700 million people lives in rural areas where the condition of medical facilities is deplorable. Considering the picture of grim facts there is a dire need of new practices and procedures to ensure that quality and timely healthcare reaches the deprived corners of the Indian villages. Though a lot of policies and programs are being run by the Government but the success and effectiveness of these programs is questionable due to gaps in the implementation. In rural India, where the number of Primary health care centers (PHCs) is limited, 8% of the centers do not have doctors or medical staff, 39% do not have lab technicians and 18% PHCs do not even have a pharmacist.

India also accounts for the largest number of maternity deaths. A majority of these are in rural areas where maternal health care is poor. Even in private sector, health care is often confined to family planning and antenatal care and do not extend to more critical services like labor and delivery, where proper medical care can save life in the case of complications. Due to non-accessibility to public health care and low quality of health care services, a majority of people in India turn to the local private health sector as their first choice of care. If we look at the health landscape of India 92 percent of health care visits are to private providers of which 70 percent is urban population. However, private health care is expensive, often unregulated and variable in quality. Besides being unreliable for the illiterate, it is also unaffordable by low income rural folks.

To control the spread of diseases and reduce the growing rates of mortality due to lack of adequate health facilities, special attention needs to be given to the health care in rural areas. The key challenges in the healthcare sector are low quality of care, poor accountability, lack of awareness, and limited access to facilities.

The uneven distribution of health care facility and attainment of health status is a major cause of concern here. We have on the one extreme state like Kerala and Tamil Nadu that can match the most advanced emerging market economies in health indicators and on the other, states like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh where the situation is pathetic. Uttar Pradesh and Bihar which are first and third largest state of India respectively from the viewpoint of population not only fair badly in terms of basic health care facilities, but also show wide inter region and inter district variations. Such a situation on the one hand

Works against the interest of the poor and deprived section of population living in these areas and on the other result in the states suffering even after having rather rich natural resource base.

The public sector hospitals are more widespread (around 60%), but the budgetary allocation of <1% of the GDP, is insufficient to even service the existing infrastructure. The private sector has been growing for the last 15 years and accounts for an estimated 95% of new hospital beds that have been added in this period. While the affluent and the urban middle-class with a capacity to pay have been catered to by the mushrooming

Various organizations are coming together for improvements in health care and technology plays a crucial role to facilitate this. Information and communications Technology provides hosts of solutions for successful implementation of these changes

Private healthcare providers and Corporate Hospital Groups; the economically weaker sections of the society are dependent on the trust hospitals and NGOs.

Not-for-Profit Trust hospitals established by various NGOs, Missionaries and religious groups have a significant presence in India and have over the years played a key role in bridging the healthcare gap particularly for the under-privileged. The healthcare trusts infrastructure is very wide and ranges from 5- bed nursing homes to 1000-bed teaching and super-specialty hospitals.

The healthcare services in the district are predominantly centered on the Medical College in Agra. There are many small and medium sized hospitals in the district which is not able to meet the demand in the region owing to equipment break-downs and lack of qualified manpower. People in the district are dependent on Agra City or Delhi City for their healthcare needs.

Being Angel Foundation proposes to establish a 100 bed Multispecialty Hospital with Medical, Surgical and Laboratory facilities. The hospital is to be located at Bah Agra Uttar Pradesh at an estimated project cost of INR 250 crores. The project will be a not-for-profit hospital and self-sustained with cash generated from its operations. The proposed hospital will serve the nearby villages of Bah Agra Uttar Pradesh and nearby villages.


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03. Being Angel Foundation would not be where we are now without the incalculable support that we’ve received from thousands of volunteers over the years, who come from all over the world to help us with our social movement. They contribute their time and skills to the unforgettable experience of teaching and igniting young minds. The contribution of our volunteers is greatly appreciated and tailored around their skills and availability.

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